Today is National Day in Monaco, and the Grimaldis are expected to make their usual annual appearances at the palace and later on at a grand gala. I’ll be covering those events here tomorrow, and in the meantime, I’ve got another sparkling Grimaldi gala moment for you, from last month’s Princess Grace Awards Gala in New York.
Princess Madeleine’s Sparkling Gala Earrings in New York City
On Thursday, Princess Madeleine sparkled in statement earrings in New York to celebrate a milestone anniversary for one of the Queen of Sweden’s signature projects.
Bonus Reading: Royal Engagement Rings of Europe’s Queens
Today at Hidden Gems, I shared an extensive write-up on the jewels and the drama surrounding the engagement of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde in Belgium a quarter of a century ago. As a bonus, I’ve got a roundup of royal engagement ring content from the flurry of announcements from reigning monarchs in the years that followed immediately after Philippe and Mathilde’s engagement. Enjoy!