It really ’tis the season for new features here at the Court Jeweller! Today, we’re featuring something I’ve been thinking about for a long time: the Royal Jewel Questionnaire, a post in which I get to make my friends answer incredibly tough questions about their favorite royal jewels.
Today’s questionnaire comes courtesy Sydney, a blogger you’ll be very familiar with if you read Luxarazzi (one of the best sources out there about the royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein). Sydney also runs a great blog called Confessions of a Castleholic, which chronicles her visits to various schlosses, chateaux, and palaces.
I’m guest posting about my favorite castles over at Castleholic today, so when you’re done reading through part one of Sydney’s questionnaire, head over there and check it out! And stay tuned tomorrow here at the Court Jeweller for more of Sydney’s answers to the really tough royal jewel questions!
Considering that I have mentioned so many all-diamond tiaras already, I’ll go for my collection of ultimate colourful tiaras instead (because I believe a queen should have one tiara of each of the following stones at least): The Hesse Aquamarine Tiara, the Leuchtenberg Sapphire Tiara, Queen Mary’s Amethyst Tiara, the Duchess of Angoulême’s Ruby as well as her Emerald Tiara. She really had the best taste in jewels!

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