On Saturday, the world marked the 140th anniversary of the birth of Princess Margaret of Connaught, the ancestor of many of today’s Scandinavian royals. To celebrate, we’re dedicating this week’s Sparkling Spotlight posts to some of her grandest jewels, which are still being worn by her royal descendants today. We’re beginning things with a romantic wedding tiara worn by her Danish descendants.

Queen Anne-Marie, the wife of the last King of Greece and the sister of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, made a brilliant appearance at Queen Margrethe’s Ruby Jubilee gala concert in Copenhagen ten years ago. For the event, which was held in January 2012, she wore an elegant purple gown with diamonds, pearls, and amethysts.

She selected one of her Danish royal heirloom jewels, the Khedive of Egypt Tiara, for the gala performance. The tiara was made in 1905 as a wedding gift from the Khedive of Egypt to Princess Margaret of Connaught. Princess Margaret and her husband, Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, had fallen in love during a tour of Egypt, so it made sense for the Khedive to offer them a magnificent wedding present. When Margaret died, the tiara passed to her daughter, Queen Ingrid of Denmark. It’s been used as a wedding tiara by all of Ingrid’s female descendants. In 2000, Queen Anne-Marie inherited the jewel from her late mother.

With the tiara, Queen Anne-Marie wore diamond earrings and a pearl necklace with an amethyst pendant. She pinned her Diamond Swan Brooch at the waist of her gown.

She finished off the look with several bracelets and rings—including, of course, the gold bangle worn by all female descendants of Margaret of Connaught.
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